Resources & Databases
A to Z World Food
The world's largest collection of international recipes and global food culture.
Learning Express
Online college and career readiness tools including practice tests and tutorials.
Mango Languages
Mango prepares learners for realistic conversations and communication in over 70 world languages.
Arizona State Library Resources:
Test and Career Prep
Free Test & Career Prep software to help your job search or advance your career.
Gale LegalForms
A wide selection of essential state-specific (and multi-state) legal forms.
Hobbies & Crafts
A hub for enthusiasts seeking inspiration and guidance in their creative pursuits.
Home Improvement
A resource for homeowners seeking guidance on enhancing their living spaces.
NoveList Plus
A database of book recommendations for all library workers who do readers' advisory.
A set of webpages, audio and video files, and apps for learning any of 87 languages.
Kids' Resources:
NASA Kids' Club
NASA encourages you to visit NASA Kids' Club and use its games and activities to inspire the next generation.
Eureka Math
Elementary and middle school math curriculum from Great Minds® sequencing mathematical progressions into expertly crafted modules.
Wit & Wisdom
K-8 English language arts (ELA) curriculum from Great Minds® that provides knowledge and skills to help students read, write, and communicate.
Teen's Resources:
Scholarships A-Z
Providing resources and creating spaces where youth learn about their worth as immigrants, how to share their story, and strategies to pay for higher education.
An online collection of eBooks, enhanced novels, graphic novels, videos and audio books.